High-Tech Training
"Technology is having a major impact on the delivery of training programs" (Noe, 2010, p. 295). For this week's blog assignment, I will explain the impact five technologies have on how people learn and interact. Furthermore, implications of using these technologies for training will be highlighted.
Technology | Impact | Implications | Examples |
Simulations |
Simulations and virtual reality serve companies in many aspects while clearly addressing company goals and objectives. "They create training environments that increase the probability that training will transfer to the job" (Noe, 2010, p. 337). *The use of simulations allow companies to provide realistic three dimensional training experiences for their employees right on their desktop computers. *Their use help to reduce travel costs, increase return on investment, as well as allow employees to work at their own pace. * Simulations get employees more engaged by providing meaningful learning experiences that get them involved in their learning. *Simulations can provide learning experiences in which employees experience realistic unsafe work environments, in a safe learning environment. |
As more and more businesses are seeking ways to reduce costs of training employees and covering for employees that would otherwise require leave time to train, the use of simulations and virtual training will greatly increase. As the use and capabilities of technology continue to advance, more and more developments will be made to increase the realism needed to effectively train company employees to meet company objectives..
The Stock Market Game (Gives students a chance to invest in an on-line portfolio.) Virtual Patient Simulator at UF (Provides a human to virtual human patient-doctor experience.) http://simulation.med.ufl.edu/virtual-patient-simulation-at-uf/ National Training and Simulation Association (This association provides simulations and trainings that promote and represent business interests.) |
Mobile Training |
"Mobile technology allows learning to occur anywhere at anytime" (Noe, 2010, p. 322). *Mobile technology utilizes wireless transmission systems such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, mobile devices such as PDAs, MP3s, laptops, iPods, GPS devices, radio frequency identification chips, and software applications. *Mobile technologies allow companies to track customers, employees, and property. *Mobile technologies allow trainees to train and learn from work or home in natural environments. *Mobile technologies allow trainees to learn at their own pace.
As companies are continuously seeking ways to stay ahead of their competitors, more and more employees are spending less time on the job, yet more time traveling. The use of mobile training will continue to increase as the amount of time available to attend traditional training activities or e-learning decreases.
Military Health System (Army Combat Casualty Care Training Goes Mobile)
Intelligent Tutoring Systems |
"Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) are instructional systems that use artificial intelligence" (Noe, 2010, p. 324). *ITS are advantageous from other training technologies in that they allow for individualized instruction. *ITS communicate and respond to student needs while modeling the learning process. *ITS make decisions about the trainees' level of understanding and determines what further information and level of difficulty to provide. |
ITS will greatly impact the way companies train employees in the future. These systems will allow employees to provide trainees with the specific skills and knowledge they need to help meet business goals and objectives. Less time will be wasted teaching employees what they already know, and more time will be spent providing learning experiences and feedback based on the student's pattern of success and failure in learning the tasks. |
Stottler Henke: Smarter Software Solutions (Delivers ITS Solutions) http://www.stottlerhenke.com/solutions/training/its_background.htm |
Training Administration Technologies |
"Interactive voice technology, imaging, and software applications have made it easier to track training information" (Noe, 2010, p. 330). *Interactive voice technology uses personal computers as automate phone response systems that allow companies to reduce human resource staff and increase service of meeting employees' benefit needs. *Imaging refers to scanning documents, storing them electronically, and retrieving them" (Noe, 2010, p. 330). *Software applications provide databases for administrators to track information related to training such as course enrollments, tuition reimbursements, training course beginning and ending dates, certified skills, educational experience, employee credentials, etc. |
Training administration technologies will continue to have a great impact on businesses as more and more employees are being trained. These technologies will provide a much more manageable means of keeping up with training information. Training administration technologies will continue to impact how employers interact with employees. In various forms, these technologies provide valuable information that can be used for decision making. Employers may use them to analyze cost information relating to budget control, track employee talent, and identify skill shortages. |
PRO-ductivity Systems, LLC: Performance Resources for Organizations (Their Compliance Training Manager promotes easily tracking training needs, requirements, and documentation while remaining compliant.) http://www.pro-ductivity.com/indextt.htm TrainingRegister (A training management system for managing, scheduling, documenting, and monitoring training requirements). |
Interactive Whiteboards |
"Interactive whiteboards are an effective way to interact with digital content and multimedia in a multi-person learning environment" (SMART Technologies, Inc., 2006, p. 5). *Interactive whiteboards allow teachers ad students to manipulate text and images, highlight information, and write annotated notes over presented material. *Interactive whiteboards allow teachers and students to interact with websites and computer software programs projected from the computer to the board. *Interactive whiteboards allow snapshops to be taken of information written on the board and later printed for further use. *Interactive whiteboards allow teachers and students to showcase student presentations. *"Interactive whiteboards appeal to both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated students" (SMART Technologies, 2006, p. 7). |
As students are more and more driven by technology, the use of interactive whiteboards has and will continue to play a major role in how students learn and interact. Interactive whiteboards will continue to enhance student's engagement due to the various ways they may be used during instruction. Student's level of motivation will increase through the use of interactive whiteboards as instruction moves from traditional chalkboard lectures to interactive lessons. |
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Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
SMART Technologies, Inc. (2006, March). Interactive whiteboards and learning. SMART Technologies. Retrieved from http://downloads01.smarttech.com/media/research/whitepapers/int_whiteboard_research_whitepaper_update.pdf
ReplyDeleteI liked the chart format for your Blog on High-Tech Training. Good job selecting the websites to support your comments. I found the Pro-ductivity.com site very interesting. I appreciated your comments about simulations being engaging and realistic learning experiences in a safe environment. When a company is looking at the implications of using a training strategy with technology, they also have to consider the limitations and disadvantages for that training methodology. What limitations do companies need to consider when using simulations?
You made an important point regarding mobile technology allowing training to occur anywhere and at the learners own pace. What are some disadvantages that the instructional designer must consider when looking at the implications for mobile technology?
You make a very good case for the use of interactive whiteboards for training. If I remember, you are somewhat of an expert in the use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom. From your experience what are some of the limitations/barriers teachers need to overcome to effectively use on interactive whiteboard.
Dr. Burke,
ReplyDeleteThere are many limitations to be considered when using simulations. Some of the most critical limitations are the costs to build and implement them. Furthermore, due to simulations being technology based, dealing with unexpected reactions by the learner may prove difficult. I think it is impossible to build a simulation that will react to all students’ way of thinking. Also, one disadvantage of mobile technology is lack of accessibility. It would be very crucial if an important matter had to be taken care of immediately and the receiver was in a poor connection area, therefore, not receiving the information in time. Another disadvantage is legal documents may get into the wrong hands. It is far too easy to crack security codes that lock mobile devices. So mobile technology could then lead to major legal issues if the wrong person was able to retrieve important documents stored on a mobile device. Finally, barriers of using an interactive whiteboard are numerous. Most importantly, while the interactive whiteboard is a great asset, teachers have to always have a back-up plan for their instructional delivery. Interactive whiteboards are just like any other piece of technology, it has a mind of its own. Sometimes it will work, and sometimes it just won’t. Also, teachers have to be careful in how they use the interactive whiteboards for instruction. They aren’t meant to be used as teachers, but to enhance the teacher’s instruction. “Face-to-face instruction will be combined with new training technologies to maximize learning” (Noe, 2010, p. 296).
Incorporating technology to enhance educational and training experiences comes with benefits and limitations.