Saturday, June 18, 2011

Personal Development Plan

Untitled Document

“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine”.  – Brian Tracy

With that quote in mind, I will advocate the following types of development as I pursue to increase my skills and knowledge on my career path.

Personal Development Plan

Development Goal Development Need Rationale Actions Development Timetable/Measurements

To increase the test scores of my students to 80%+ meeting or exceeding state standards

Formal Education:

Professional Learning Communities

“The powerful collaboration that characterizes professional learning communities is a systematic process in which teachers work together to analyze and improve their classroom practice.  This process, in turn, leads to higher levels of student achievement” (Dufour, 2004).  A professional learning community is one form of a formal education approach to employee development.  “Many formal education programs actively involve the employees in learning” (Noe, 2010, p. 352).  The past few years, my lowest test scores have been in the area of science.  Collaboration will allow me to gain some insight and further teaching strategies for implementing science in my classroom.  Professional learning communities are a great asset to teacher development. 


*Collaborate with fellow educators of elementary science in on-site and off-site professional learning communities

*Read articles relating to teaching science to elementary school students


*Provide planning time to collaborate with coworkers for planning science instruction

*Allot time or make arrangements for off-site visits to other schools to observe science implementation

*Quarterly science benchmark test results

*Analysis of progress of science CRCT results over a 2 year period

*Weekly observations of science instruction


To seek an additional degree in technology

Formal Education:

Tuition Reimbursements


“Companies that have evaluated tuition reimbursement programs have found that the programs increase employee retention rates, increase employees’ readiness for promotion, and improve job performance” (Noe, 2010, p. 354).  Implementing a tuition reimbursement program is worth advocating for as part of my professional development plan.  As tuition fees continuously increase, many educators are hesitant about pursuing further educational opportunities.  In turn, many organizations are left scrambling to fill leadership positions with qualified candidates.  Ideally, school systems seek to promote from within.  A tuition reimbursement system would be very beneficial because it would allow potential leaders within the school system to gain the necessary knowledge and educational experience needed to fill those positions.  Having the ability to be reimbursed for tuition fees accrued while gaining the needed education, will motivate me more to seek the experiences I need to move up the career ladder while better serving my organization.  “Employees with more education and training are better able to achieve both their and the organization’s goals, as well” (Cornett, 2010).  Furthermore, implementation of a tuition reimbursement plan for improving job performance would send a message from my employer that they value my contribution to the organization and are willing to invest in my personal development.


*Research degree programs in the area of technology integration in the classroom

*Research tuition costs of each program


*Find funding for tuition reimbursement

*Set stipulations and requirements for being reimbursed tuition costs

*Advocate further education for employers

*Quarterly meetings after school entrance to share and begin implementing newly acquired knowledge and skills

*2 – 2.5 years for degree attainment

*3 years to fully implement newly learned skills to enhance organization

To receive coaching from technology trainers that serve our school system

Interpersonal Relationships

Shadowing Assignments

“A coach is a peer or manager who works with employees to motivate them, help them develop skills, and provide reinforcement and feedback” (Noe, 2010, p. 375).  “The purpose of shadowing assignments are to provide you with exposure to people who work in particular fields and to give you the opportunity to watch them in their day-to-day setting” (“Shadowing Assignments, 2010).  As we all seek to climb the career ladder, advanced degrees become part of our personal growth plans.  I am an advocate of shadowing assignments, especially for myself and others that are in the process of completing advanced degrees to advance up the career ladder in the very, near future.  All of our local school systems use the Central Savannah Regional Area Regional Educational Service Agency (CSRA RESA), Educational Technology Center for delivering quality technology training for teachers, administrators, and support personnel (  For professional development, shadowing some of these professionals will allow me to see how I may use and apply what I’I have learned to enhance my organization in the classroom or in another position in the school system.  “By observing how the person interacts with their coworkers, participating in the activities that they face every day, and seeing what it takes to “be that person”, the individual will gain insight into whether that position is something they want to pursue” (“Job Shadowing, n.d.).  


*Shadow technology trainers at the CSRA RESA

*Develop relationships with technology trainers

*Collaborate with trainers during training sessions in my school system

*Keep abreast with technology trends through research and reading current articles

*Build a resource file for future use


*Schedule shadow assignments

*Allow me to assist trainers in implementing training for our school system

*Receive evaluations on my shadowing assignments

*Collaborate with me to review my evaluations, providing feedback

*Minimum of one hour of shadowing per week for 1 school year

*Quarterly meetings with technology trainers


To mentor protégés in my school

Interpersonal Relationships


“Mentoring relationships provide opportunities for mentors to develop their interpersonal skills and increase their feelings of self-esteem and worth to the organization” (Noe, 2010, p. 374).  As part of my professional growth plan, I am advocating for the implementation of a mentoring program.  Over the past four years, I have been moved between three grade levels.  The reason I have been given for the moves is because my teaching strengths have been crucially needed in each of the grades I’ve been moved to, at the specific times I’ve been moved.  To capitalize on my strengths, as well as other competent teachers, I think implementing a group mentoring program will be beneficial.  “One potential advantage of the mentoring group is that protégés can learn from each other as well as from a more experienced senior employee” (Noe, 2010, p. 375). 


*Provide career support for protégés

*Provide psychosocial support for protégés

*Increase protégés skill development

*Increase protégés understanding of and abilities to meet organizational expectations


*Implement mentoring program

*Assign protégés to mentors

*Provide meeting times for mentors and protégés

*Compensate mentors

*Full implementation of mentoring program within 1 school year

*Weekly mentor meetings

*Biweekly surveys of mentors by protégés

*Biweekly evaluations of protégés by mentors

*Yearly celebration of mentor program



Cornett, J. E.  (2010, November 25).  How does tuition reimbursement benefit a company?  Message posted to eHow, archived at

Dufour, R.  (2004, May).  Schools as learning communities.  Educational Leadership, 61(8), 6-11, Retrieved from

Job shadowing.  (n.d.).  Benefits of job shadowing.  Indiana Department of Correction.  Retrieved from

Noe, R. A.  (2010).  Employee training and development (5th ed.).  New York, NY:  McGraw Hill.

Shadowing assignments.  (2010, September 3).  Shadowing assignments.  National Conservation Training Center.  Retrieved from

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This week's blog assignment was to create a presentation to present to my boss, that would make a definitive case for a company-wide employee development plan. Five strong points explaining the benefits and three employee development initiatives are highlighted. My presentation is presented below.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

High-Tech Training

"Technology is having a major impact on the delivery of training programs" (Noe, 2010, p. 295). For this week's blog assignment, I will explain the impact five technologies have on how people learn and interact. Furthermore, implications of using these technologies for training will be highlighted.

Technology Impact Implications Examples


Simulations and virtual reality serve companies in many aspects while clearly addressing company goals and objectives. "They create training environments that increase the probability that training will transfer to the job" (Noe, 2010, p. 337).

*The use of simulations allow companies to provide realistic three dimensional training experiences for their employees right on their desktop computers.

*Their use help to reduce travel costs, increase return on investment, as well as allow employees to work at their own pace.

* Simulations get employees more engaged by providing meaningful learning experiences that get them involved in their learning.

*Simulations can provide learning experiences in which employees experience realistic unsafe work environments, in a safe learning environment.

As more and more businesses are seeking ways to reduce costs of training employees and covering for employees that would otherwise require leave time to train, the use of simulations and virtual training will greatly increase.

As the use and capabilities of technology continue to advance, more and more developments will be made to increase the realism needed to effectively train company employees to meet company objectives..

The Stock Market Game

(Gives students a chance to invest in an on-line portfolio.)

Virtual Patient Simulator at UF

(Provides a human to virtual human patient-doctor experience.)

National Training and Simulation Association

(This association provides simulations and trainings that promote and represent business interests.)

Mobile Training

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"Mobile technology allows learning to occur anywhere at anytime" (Noe, 2010, p. 322).

*Mobile technology utilizes wireless transmission systems such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, mobile devices such as PDAs, MP3s, laptops, iPods, GPS devices, radio frequency identification chips, and software applications.

*Mobile technologies allow companies to track customers, employees, and property.

*Mobile technologies allow trainees to train and learn from work or home in natural environments.

*Mobile technologies allow trainees to learn at their own pace.

As companies are continuously seeking ways to stay ahead of their competitors, more and more employees are spending less time on the job, yet more time traveling. The use of mobile training will continue to increase as the amount of time available to attend traditional training activities or e-learning decreases.

Military Health System

(Army Combat Casualty Care Training Goes Mobile)

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

"Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) are instructional systems that use artificial intelligence" (Noe, 2010, p. 324).

*ITS are advantageous from other training technologies in that they allow for individualized instruction.

*ITS communicate and respond to student needs while modeling the learning process.

*ITS make decisions about the trainees' level of understanding and determines what further information and level of difficulty to provide.

ITS will greatly impact the way companies train employees in the future. These systems will allow employees to provide trainees with the specific skills and knowledge they need to help meet business goals and objectives.

Less time will be wasted teaching employees what they already know, and more time will be spent providing learning experiences and feedback based on the student's pattern of success and failure in learning the tasks.

Stottler Henke: Smarter Software Solutions

(Delivers ITS Solutions)

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Training Administration Technologies

"Interactive voice technology, imaging, and software applications have made it easier to track training information" (Noe, 2010, p. 330).

*Interactive voice technology uses personal computers as automate phone response systems that allow companies to reduce human resource staff and increase service of meeting employees' benefit needs.

*Imaging refers to scanning documents, storing them electronically, and retrieving them" (Noe, 2010, p. 330).

*Software applications provide databases for administrators to track information related to training such as course enrollments, tuition reimbursements, training course beginning and ending dates, certified skills, educational experience, employee credentials, etc.

Training administration technologies will continue to have a great impact on businesses as more and more employees are being trained. These technologies will provide a much more manageable means of keeping up with training information.

Training administration technologies will continue to impact how employers interact with employees. In various forms, these technologies provide valuable information that can be used for decision making. Employers may use them to analyze cost information relating to budget control, track employee talent, and identify skill shortages.

PRO-ductivity Systems, LLC: Performance Resources for Organizations

(Their Compliance Training Manager promotes easily tracking training needs, requirements, and documentation while remaining compliant.)


(A training management system for managing, scheduling, documenting, and monitoring training requirements).

Interactive Whiteboards

"Interactive whiteboards are an effective way to interact with digital content and multimedia in a multi-person learning environment" (SMART Technologies, Inc., 2006, p. 5).

*Interactive whiteboards allow teachers ad students to manipulate text and images, highlight information, and write annotated notes over presented material.

*Interactive whiteboards allow teachers and students to interact with websites and computer software programs projected from the computer to the board.

*Interactive whiteboards allow snapshops to be taken of information written on the board and later printed for further use.

*Interactive whiteboards allow teachers and students to showcase student presentations.

*"Interactive whiteboards appeal to both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated students" (SMART Technologies, 2006, p. 7).

As students are more and more driven by technology, the use of interactive whiteboards has and will continue to play a major role in how students learn and interact.

Interactive whiteboards will continue to enhance student's engagement due to the various ways they may be used during instruction.

Student's level of motivation will increase through the use of interactive whiteboards as instruction moves from traditional chalkboard lectures to interactive lessons.

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Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

SMART Technologies, Inc. (2006, March). Interactive whiteboards and learning. SMART Technologies. Retrieved from